Gaddex wins at SIConnect in September

Last Wednesday, 27 September 2023, Valencia hosted the 28th edition of SIConnect, an initiative that seeks to strengthen ties between startups and investors. This event brings together entrepreneurs at all stages of development and private investors who wish to expand their network of contacts in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, whilst keeping up to the minute with the latest developments in investment and digital business. Ángel Buigues and Lucía Calabria kicked off the event by presenting the startup finalists seeking investment, the experts in the field and the jury.
Dan la bienvenida a la 28ª Edición de #SIConnect en #SabadellHubEmpresa @Calabria_Lucia (@VITEmprende) y @AngelBuigues (@BStartup de @BancoSabadell )
— BStartup (@BStartup) September 27, 2023
During the SIConnect event, the participants had the opportunity to take part in an enriching conversation with experts in the field, Jonatan Amenedo and Marta Campillo. This discussion was moderated by Ángel Buigues.
Escuchando en #SIConnect la conversación con Jonatan @Amenedo, CEO de la startup #Roiward, y@martacampillo, Principal en @abacnest Venture Capital en la mesa moderada por @AngelBuigues, @BStartup advisor de @BancoSabadell. @VITEmprende
— BStartup (@BStartup) September 27, 2023
The startup finalists of this 28th edition were Gaddex, Fazil and TwinTune, who were able to present their innovative proposals to the jury formed by Ana Pellicer, Manuel Nieto, Virginia García and Encarna Mazón. Gaddex emerged as the winning startup at this edition of SIConnect. Their platform to strengthen connections between employees and retain business talent was recognised as the most outstanding proposal.
? ¡Felicidades a #GaddeX por ser la #startup ganadora en la XXVIII edición de #SIConnect!
Agradecemos a #Fazil y @twintune_ai @Amenedo y @martacampillo por acompañarnos así como a nuestros partners, jurado y asistentes. ¡Nos vemos en el próximo #SIConnect!
— BStartup (@BStartup) September 27, 2023
Don’t want to miss out on news of future SIConnect events? Follow VIT Emprende and BStartup on social media.