Final VOR 2020

On Thursday 20 June the Venture On The Road grand final was held at the Banco Sabadell Auditorium in Barcelona. This unique roadshow, organised by BStartup and SeedRocket, was conceived to provide access to investors and networking in different cities.
Edurne Álvarez, Head of Communications and Events at BStartup, and Ray Altabás, Community Builder & PR at SeedRocket, welcomed the attendees to the closing event of the 2nd Venture On The Road competition. During the presentation they highlighted the great support of local partners in each city as well as that of mentors, who shared the experience and enthusiasm with all the roadshow entrepreneurs.
¡Gracias a nuestros partners locales por su gran apoyo y ayuda para encontrar el mejor talento de cada ciudad: @AndaluciaJunta, @asturvalley, @ceeiasturias, @CIEMZaragoza, @Grupo_init, @HubZgz, @araban_es, @DemiumStartups, @initland, @ZoneDreamers, @VITEmprende y @Startup_VLC.
— BStartup (@BStartup) 20 de junio de 2019
The 2nd VentureOnTheRoad competition, launched in October 2018, visited six cities (Seville, Gijón, Zaragoza, Madrid, Bilbao and Valencia) and analysed more than 147 startups in partnership with over 80 investors, while 7 keynote speeches were given by leading professionals from the sector, including Rafael Garrido, Eneko Knorr, Alberto Knapp, Iñaki Arrola and Jesús Monleón.
After the acknowledgements, the moment came to obtain first-hand knowledge of the projects of the six winning startups in each of the roadshow cities. In front of a crowded Banco Sabadell Auditorium in Barcelona, the main project managers took the stage to present their value propositions, defend their business models, and answer the questions of the jury of experts.
Y sin duda, un enorme agradecimiento a los mentores #VentureOnTheRoad por compartir su experiencia y contagiarnos su espíritu emprendedor @rafaelgarrido (@vitamina_K), @enekoknorr (@pheidoncapital), @albertoknapp (@The_Cocktail), @arrola (@Kfundvc), @jemonleon (@seedrocket).
— BStartup (@BStartup) 20 de junio de 2019
The 6 startups in the final of the 2nd Venture On The Road competition
- AllRead Machine Learning Technologies: aimed at the Logistics, Energy, and Manufacturing industries, this project digitizes some of the operations carried out by these industries, thus improving their efficiency.
- Chekin: integrating artificial intelligence technology, this travel management platform provides a simple and intuitive system.
- Okticket: this digital broker specialises in travel insurance and allows customisation in accordance with user’s requirements.
- Singerfy: users can create a personalized song accompanied by a video montage on its platform.
- Stoor: this architecture marketplace enables architects to sell their designs all over the world.
- Yami: its subscription service enables users to enjoy dishes from a wide range of restaurants for less than €5 per day.
Following the presentation of the finalists, it was the turn of the main keynote speech, titled Cómo superar la travesía en el desierto y alcanzar el éxito: tres historias emprendedoras (How to complete the journey across the desert and achieve success: three entrepreneurial stories.) As a fitting end to the event, three successful entrepreneurs, Joel Vicient, CEO & Founder of Captio, Jordi Ber, CEO & Co-Founder of Habitissimo, and Nico Bour, CEO & Co-Founder of Uvinum>, took part in a debate chaired by Yolanda Pérez, Director of BStartup.
Gran final #VentureOnTheRoad | Keynote Cómo superar la travesía del desierto. ?️ @jordiber (@habitissimo): «Cuando estás entre la espada y la pared salen las mejores decisiones como emprendedores».
— BStartup (@BStartup) 20 de junio de 2019
The three entrepreneurs, who have achieved success with their respective companies, shared the most difficult decisions they’ve had to make as leaders, the trickiest moments their companies have gone through and their advice for future startups. “Business culture is the second product you sell; you have to know how to generate satisfaction within the team so as to keep it on your side, even at a time such as this, when the offers in Barcelona are very tempting”, they all indicated. Nico Bour stressed that one of the challenges is to keep the motivation and energy going over more than 10 years, the estimated time for a project to reach the top.
Following the deliberations of the jury, made up of José Manuel Carol, Programme Manager & BStartup10 Director, Kasia Adamowicz, entrepreneur and SeedRocket Manager, Marc Castiblanco, SeedRocket 4Founders Capital, Francis J. Martínez from Interactivos and Artur Bardera from Abac Capital, the name of the winning startup of the 2019 Venture On The Road was announced: AllRead MLT!
Y el ganador de la gran final nacional #VentureOnTheRoad es…¡ @AllRead_MLT! ¡Enhorabuena por este prometedor proyecto! Os espera vuestra plaza para el Campus de Emprendedores @seedrocket +3.000€. ¡Gracias a todos por acompañarnos en esta cita tan especial para @BStartup!
— BStartup (@BStartup) 20 de junio de 2019
All Read MLT was thus proclaimed the winner of the 2nd Venture On The Road competition and obtained a place on the next Campus for Entrepreneurs and €3,000 to promote its project.
The event concluded with a networking session at which investors and startups were able to connect and exchange impressions on the different projects. Thank you to everyone for making it possible!